Monday, June 29, 2009

How to Make a Great First Impression on a Date

Comment from me ... Actually Ive got success with this tips when Im trying to approach myself to my girlfriend (Now my wife) ... Try out to yourself and you'll find it ... :)

Step 1
Dress attractively but comfortably. Don't wear clothes that make you feel stiff or self-conscious.

Step 2
Be aware of your posture - it speaks volumes about you. You want to appear alert and confident by sitting up straight.

Step 3
Compliment your date. Don't just say 'I like your shirt.' Be sincere and notice something that he or she took time with.

Step 4
Learn to flirt (see "eHow to Flirt') and try it out. Don't overdo it, though.

Step 5
Realize that you don't have to tell people how great you are. It's better to show them instead.

Step 6
Be interested and interesting. Listen actively to what your date says. Ask questions and don't interrupt.

Step 7
Enjoy yourself, no matter what. If you're easygoing and fun to be around and if you can roll with whatever comes your way, you can't help but make a great impression.

Step 8
Thank the other person for the date - always, without exception. Good manners will get you far.

By eHow Relationships & Family Editor

Saturday, June 20, 2009

How to Work With a Scorpio

Respect your Scorpio colleagues' privacy. Scorpios are private people who work hard to separate their private lives from their work lives. They will open up when and if they decide to. But, don't be surprised if your Scorpio co-workers know the secrets of everyone else in the office. They love mysteries and are excellent sleuths.
Step 2
Call on Scorpios in a crisis situation. When you have an impending disaster at work, Scorpios will have no problem taking charge. They are well-known for their ability to remain calm and get things done, even while everyone else is in a panic.
Step 3
Reassure your Scorpio co-workers of your loyalty to them as team members. Scorpios demand absolute allegiance. If you are working with them on a project, show them that you are devoted to following through on your responsibilities. If you break your promises, they will become resentful.
Step 4
Remember to give Scorpios plenty of space. They are quite self-sufficient and don't need any hand-holding. If they have any questions, they will ask you.
Step 5
Understand that Scorpios have a very strong need to control things. This can create tension in the workplace. Be patient and talk through projects and responsibilities with your Scorpio co-workers. Discuss things that may be out of their control and how to address those issues.

How to Communicate in a Relationship

Step 1
Look into your partner's eye when you are speaking with them. This is important because it makes your partner feel like you are really listening and connecting with them.

Step 2
Listen attentively. Show you are listening and understanding what they are saying. Couples that take the time to truly listen to each other find that they have fewer communication issues.

Step 3
Show your appreciation. Tell your partner how lucky you feel to have them in your life. Tell them you appreciate what they do to make your relationship work and that you love them.

Step 4
Ask your partner what you want and need from them. A successful relationship is a two-way street. If you both ask for what you need in the relationship you are bound to feel connected. No one is a mind reader!

Step 5
Learn to compromise with each other. If one of you wants to go to the cinema and the other one wants to go to a baseball game, then do both on two different nights. Keep talking, and speaking openly and honestly.

Step 6
Be honest. The more you are honest about your feelings with your partner, the more you will get out of your relationship.

Step 7
Show affection when you are communicating. Couples keep a spark when they hold hands or are loving when they talk.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Approach Women

This has to be a hot topic amongst guys that are not really experiencing the kind of success that they want to with women. And I am not talking about just any kind of woman here. I mean, the turn your head and make your mouth drop kind of gorgeous girls that you really want to get with. How do you approach her in a way that you stand out and also don't look like a complete tool?

Well, the truth is that most guys probably do come off looking like complete tools. They do all of the wrong things, they show their nervousness, and they immediately back away from the hottest women. And what does this result in for you?

Only more lonely Friday and Saturday nights, that's all. So, how do you approach beautiful women so that you don't make the common mistakes men make?
You have to become detached from the outcome. What I mean is that it can be a do or die kind of thing. Most guys have it in their head that they just have to get this girl and if they don't the whole world comes caving in. And that puts a whole lot of pressure on YOU and on the women that you are approaching. She can sense it.

What happens when there is too much pressure?
Things explode and not in a good way my friend. Not at all. So, relax, be confident and know that it is not the end of the world, no matter what happens and no matter how hot she is.

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Monday, June 15, 2009

How to Recognize a Soulmate

To find a soulmate is not easy as 1,2,3 ... It needs times to build it ... Maybe this can help ... :)

Step 1

Accept your partner. Acceptance is a big factor in a relationship and your soulmate will accept you as you are and in good or bad times. They will not be flustered if you have a mood one day and they will not leave over silly arguments. Your soulmate will stick by you.

Step 2

Love unconditionally. Soulmates will love you when you look horrible when you have the flu, and they will celebrate with you when you succeed at one of your goals. They are always there for you.

Step 3

Build together. Your soulmate will want to build things with you and create a future full of happy times and joy. They will work with you as a team not as a competitor. They will walk on the same path with you and ride the same wave.

Step 4

Attract from the heart and soul. When you find your soulmate, you will feel that the main attraction comes from your heart and soul. It connects with their heart and soul. Many people believe that looks are the main focus in attraction, when in fact it is the joining of our souls that pulls us together.

Step 5

Provide support in good and bad. Soulmates know how to support you in all life's experiences. They will hold your hand when you are sad, they will jump up and down with you when you are excited, and they will hold you close when you want them too. Soulmates have a natural way of knowing how to embrace your spirit and heart.

By eHow Relationships & Family Editor