Saturday, May 30, 2009

How to Say I Love You So They Know It

Even though being in love is a universal thing there are a few details you need to know about how to say I love you.
People who enjoy listening to others saying nice things about them often think they are loved but according to how to say I love you, what you say is much less significant than HOW you say it. The following percentages have been identified by researchers on the art of knowing how to say I love you:
The words you say provide 7% of the impact, your tone of voice contributes 38%, and your body language as you say it makes up a huge 55% of communication.
WOW! Can you now see that simply saying, "I love you", even to someone who responds via auditory means, can only be a small part of how to say I love you?
These next few points on how to say I love you will help you with the next time you convey your love.
Your body must express an open posture, with your arms and legs uncrossed and palms facing out. This gives the signal that you are open and receptive.
To show you are interested, be wary of your eyes darting about the room because this will show the opposite. Your eyes should be softly looking upon the face of your lover.
These are also valid factors when knowing how to say I love you.
Your facial expression should be a soft smile for anything else does not express positive feelings.
Your tone of voice needs to be easy and relaxed, which shows warmth and comfort.
If your partner enjoys being touched, keep a comforting hand upon them as you speak your love and they will know it.
To really know how to say I love you keep the next points in mind.
Keep your partner's need for personal space present during communication, most people need it while some enjoy being close.
A much needed part of communication is the art of listening as this is as necessary as your speaking.
There is a technique called Active Listening where you repeat back to your partner what they just expressed to you. What this technique can do is to help you stay focused on what is being said instead of formulating a response in your mind too soon. This can be strange for the receiver at first so it is best to explain what you are doing.
Agree to work on this together and you will improve your ability to know when and how to say I love you.

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